House in Carapicuiba

Leia mais sobre o artigo ADEUS, NAKAGIN
As cápsulas pré-fabricas seriam trocadas a cada 25 anos, mas isso nunca aconteceu


O triste fim do primeiro edifício de apartamentos-cápsula que virou ícone da arquitetura japonesa Por Roberto Maxwell na Nossa "Era como se eu estivesse dentro de um OVNI" A DJ…

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House in Carapicuiba [Photo 02 by Nelson Kon]

Modern House Designs All Over the World

By Tania Karpova in Trendir | 11/08/2016 Modern house designs are all over the spectrum in terms of shapes, sizes, and materials as architects seek creative solutions for every problem presented by location, client’s desires, and, of…

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Street artist Lula Goce created a stunning mural honoring nature and womanhood in Galicia, Spain

Stunning Mural in Spain Is a Celebration of Nature and Womanhood

By Jessica Stewart in My Modern Met | June 4, 2023 Spanish street artist Lula Goce has brought her evocative style to the streets of Galicia with a mural that celebrates nature and womanhood. Titled A…

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